How to Write a Perfect Instagram Bio – Tips and Tools

Feb 17, 2020 | Instagram marketing, Marketing

Updated 17.02.2020
GettingGrowth Instagram

Your Instagram bio is the backbone of your presence on Instagram.

Think of it as your portfolio, website home page, and business card all wrapped up in one place.

You might think that writing an Instagram bio is easy; all it takes is a couple of lines, you might say. But, the truth is, it takes way more than that.

Those 150 characters are critical to the success and overall performance of your Instagram account.

You only have a few seconds to grab the attention of your visitors and leave a great first impression. As a result, your bio needs to be well equipped so that it will be able to achieve the purpose of converting your visitors into followers.

Unfortunately, most business owners and entrepreneurs treat their bios as an afterthought; they do not take the time to include all the right components before creating their accounts carefully.

If you’re concerned that your bio is not generating the right results or not ‘clever enough,’ do not hit the panic button, we’re here to help you with tips you can use to craft a killer Instagram bio for your business, so that you can maximize best results, generate leads, followers and ultimately, boost sales for your business.

But before we dive in, let us take a look at some qualities of a good Instagram bio.

Qualities Of A Good Instagram Bio

  •  A good Instagram bio is informative. It clearly describes what you do.
  • A good Instagram bio is witty and humorous. Describes your brand and personality in a fun and interesting manner.
  • A good Instagram bio is compelling
  • Good Instagram bios are simple and easy to read. Your visitors should be able to understand what you do as soon as they visit your page.
  • A good Instagram bio should include your business contact information
  • A good Instagram bio should drive your visitors or followers to take a specific action
  • A good Instagram bio establishes your unique selling point. What differentiates your brand from others.

Here Are Some Tips You Can Use To Create A Killer Instagram Bio

It is true that there is indeed no “golden rule” or one single best way to write your bio; however, we’ll arm you with some useful tactics and best practices you can use to create the perfect Instagram bio.

how to write instagram bioTip #1: Convey Your Personality

You need to let your personality shine in your bio.

It doesn’t matter if your Instagram account is strictly for business; you can still show-off the voice of your brand in a creative way. After all, you’re on social media; you have to show that you are human.

If your bio is boring and does not convey personality, it may not be able to convince your visitors to follow your brand or click the follow button.

Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur? What special skills do you have?

Adding personality to your Instagram bio could be as simple as including a slogan or a catchphrase. Whatever you think makes you “you” and unique is probably where you should start.

how to write a good instagram bioTip #2: Use A Good Photo

If you are the owner of your company, you should consider using a photo that has your real face on it. Research has revealed that profiles with real faces on Instagram get 38% more likes.

Adding your real photo is not only a great way to make a good impact with your audience, but it is also a good way to give your business a face, making your profile more friendly and personal. When picking a photo, make sure that the one you pick doesn’t appear too formal so as not to create some distance with your audience.

On the other hand, if you’re not the sole owner of your company, you can use your company logo.

break it up instagram bioTip #3: Break It Up

Endeavor to use line breaks to add more space to your bio. This is owing to the fact that a lot of users that come online do not have the time or the interest in reading; they just want to scan through your profile, picking up bit-sized information in the process.

You need to make the scanning process easier for your visitors by using line spacing to break up your Instagram bio content.

If you’re looking for a good tool you can use to add space and line breaks to your bio, then check out Apps4Life.

Tip #4: Keep Bio Content to the Point

Be brief and precise when putting your information together for your bio. Go straight to the point. Use fonts that are clear and easy to understand. With a tool like LingoJam, you can get different symbols that you can easily copy and paste to your bio.

Another thing to consider is writing your bio in multiple languages. Using localization services from The Word Point, you can still keep your bio content concise and reach a wider target group.

Above is an example of a bio, which drives home one single point and directs people to specific business goal – sales.

use emojis for instagram bioTip #5: Play with Emojis

Make the most out of emojis for your Instagram bio.

It seems Instagram users like them a lot. Statistics show that 50% of comments and captions on Instagram contain emojis.

One character can convey a great amount of information. Everyone seems to understand the information that emojis convey irrespective of the language barrier. Besides, emojis are a great way to personalize your brand and highlight some basic details about your brand.

If you’re also looking for a good way to visually break up information on your Instagram bio, then emojis can quickly become your best friend to achieve that.

instagram bio for food accountHere’s an example of a brand that employs the use of emojis to show visitors that they’re all about food quickly.

Tip #6: Use Branded and Clickable #Hashtags

Hashtags play a great role in ensuring the success of your overall Instagram marketing strategy, and your bio is a great place to use them.

Adding branded hashtags to your bio gives your followers the opportunity to interact with your content, and you can also use them to promote user-generated content.

Even better, hashtags on your Instagram bio are clickable; you can’t afford to miss out on the potential this could have for your business as your followers or visitors can click on your hashtag.

nike instagram bioNike (@nike) is probably one of the most well-known brands that have incorporated their slogan into a all-around-evergreen hashtag.

Tip #7: Make The Most Of Your Bio Link

This is a no-brainer tip you cannot afford to let go.

It is a must for your bio. First off, it’s the only clickable link allowed for your Instagram bio. So it is a good thing to maximize that opportunity.

Your bio link is a great opportunity you can use to drive visitors to your website or any page you would like them to visit. Also, to make your links short and trackable, you can use a tool like Bitly, with Bitly, your links won’t look bulky or clunky.

You can even use symbols to create more emphasis around your link and direct visitors to click on your link. If you’re looking for a good tool you can use to get countless symbols, then check out CoolSymbol.

Pro tip: You can use a great tool like Linktree to promote multiple links in your Instagram bio. With Linktree, you do not have to limit yourself to a single link. See here how Alicia Keys has used Linktree links.

alica keys linktreeWhen you click on the link in her Instagram bio, it takes you to this page where you’ll have lots of options to click

Final Thoughts

The truth about writing Instagram bios is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing the perfect bio.

However, you can follow the guidelines and tools mentioned above to create a perfect bio for your brand.

The benefits of having a well-optimized Instagram bio cannot be over-emphasized. Failing to optimize it in order to create a great first impression can have adverse effects on the success of your Instagram marketing efforts.

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Dom Beaulieu


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